Sodom & Gomorrah 2.0?

When you’ve been exploited, for sex, it’s difficult to watch women dress up like porn actresses and exploit themselves.

I see the long range picture around this…

one day, this woman will likely be a Mom, with a daughter. What will her views be then?

How will she help her daughters with their self image and how will she help her sons, with theirs?

Is she teaching young men; someone else’s sons, to objectify women?

Not too much thought goes into our responsibility, as a member of this enormous group we belong to…. because… hormones.

Hormones, which are after all, a fail safe, to ensure survival of the race.

We are no longer “pets”. How do we grow into intelligent, loving beings, who respect and admire each other, in a culture of hardcore Hollywood?

I want to admire your confidence in yourself, which depends on you, not the exploitation of your sexy body. I want to see YOU. And I want others, to see YOU, as well.

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HoHoHo-ly shit, it’s Christmas again…

If I had a lot of money, I’d give each of my loved ones a big wad of cash to spend on each other, in the most outlandish ways they could think of…

But, I don’t. And I’m not sorry.

When my kids, were kids, they expected Christmas gifts from Santa & Mama… and they got them.

It was fun, to give them things they wanted and things they didn’t expect.

The ritual of Christmas morning, opening the gifts (many of which, had only been wrapped for a couple of hours) was a gift in itself for me.

A nice cup of coffee, after 3 or 4 hours of sleep and let the games begin.

It seems a far distant memory, that I made this holiday important.

Nowadays, it glides up into my awareness, that Christmas is only 5 days away, like today. I have made no preparations, nor purchased any gifts.

I’ve spent a number of Christmases alone and I lived to tell about it.

I do not want anyone to feel like I don’t care about them, because I do, but this commercial holiday really does not hold any thrill for me, except that I get to spend time with my people.

I am heading out to the thrift store, to see what treasures I may find to give them.

I love you all, every day of the year.

Merry Solstice


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God is not in the words

In this beautiful video, I feel God. But not so much, in the lyrics, that were changed, to fit a religious context.

Leonard Cohen’s song, Hallelujah, sung by a little girl, who looks very much like me, at 7.

I saw the intro music, move her… which she expressed with her hands. I saw God in that.

When she checked her finger for boogers, after she rubbed at her nose… I saw God in that.

Her, “just out of the package” school uniform blouse, still slightly creased, with fold lines, hurriedly acquired, for this video… I saw God in that.

Her voice, strong and clear, singing her innocent joy…I saw God in that.

And her question about whether the microphone records talking voices too… God was in that… humorous innocence.

Having people make her important and record her singing this song… That is God too… never mind the religious twist, put into the words.

Hallelujah… God is in everything that moves the soul.

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We Take What We Want… And We Get What We Need…

One evening, while standing, looking at a grocery store shelf and deciding what to get, my middle son, of 12 years old, broke into a raucous rockin’ song…”We take what we want! (Guitar riff, by mouth, inserted here) And we get what we need!…”

He went down on his knees, with more “mouth guitar” riffs…

Humor at the grocery store, was always expected, but what he was inspired to do, was always a surprise.

I love him for it… even though sometimes, I allowed myself to be annoyed.

These song lyrics occasionally pop into my mind and the mental video of the performance makes me laugh, always.

Why do those lyrics feel so profound to me, I often ponder?

I have my answer today…

We do take what we want… but sometimes, it isn’t what we thought it would be….

In the realization, of that, if we are smart, we see that though that thing or person, or situation, brought us unexpected trouble, instead of the joy we sought…. we actually got what we needed… a chance to be grateful, for life’s challenges, which help us become better people.

Help us become what we need to be.

Thank you Dillon, I adore you.

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Be right, Be Yourself

We hold on, to being wronged, to feel some semblance of rightness, in ourselves.

But, we do not have to do that, to be right.

We just are.

What a waste of energy, to try to out create the signs, that say we are “not right” somehow.

Just create, to the best of your ability, what you desire.

You cannot be wrong.

You are, after all, the Elf on a Shelf,

Of the creation of yourself…

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Grace, is a personal thing. It can only come from within. We cannot force it, define it or create it, for anyone but ourselves.

For me, it comes in, when I’ve striven to understand and act, from an unselfish place in me.

I have not felt Grace, for awhile…stuck in my own self suffering, believing I should give up on finding It, in myself again.

I have let people disappoint me.

That was a gift, that led me to Grace once more.

I understand, the cynicism that makes people do the things they do.

I understand, the heartbreak of being human.

I understand, that forgiveness, plus patience and my own stillness, when I believe my suffering is real, are my own path, to Grace.

Forgiveness and understanding of self, for suffering and forgiveness and understanding, for other’s suffering, does equal Grace, at this time.

I will sit and admire this Grace, for as long as it lasts, until another opportunity comes my way, that challenges me, to find it again.

Grace, is where I want to exist at all times. And what I wish, for others to have.

It is freedom.

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Admiration is part of a Cycle of Action…

Here I sit, Thanksgiving Eve, with shopping, chopping and cooking to do.

But, here I sit.

I’m tired, from chasing dust bunnies, no “bigfoots”, with my vacuum cleaner.

Scrubbing cat barf and unrecognizable yuck, from my floors.

Making my home, nice again.

I haven’t been here to care for it the way I do. The bachelors and kitty cats have had their way with it, for years.

I don’t want to start the next phase of Thanksgiving preparations just yet. I sit in the rooms I’ve made sparkle and feel my own sparkle returning.

Admiring my work is such an important part of Cycles of Action and I’m going to take my sweet little time about it.

It’s my fuel, to go on creating.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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